Extending piquant

piquant is extensible in three principal ways:

  • Adding a new quantifier: Adding an additional quantification tool or pipeline whose comparative performance against other quantifiers can then be assessed.
  • Adding a new statistic: Adding an additional statistic to be calculated for each quantification run.
  • Adding a new transcript classifier: Adding an additional classifier to split transcripts into discrete groups, so that the performance of quantification tools can be assessed across these sets of transcripts.

All three methods of extension currently require some coding in Python.


It is also possible to extend piquant to add a new sequencing parameter (e.g. read depth, read length, errors, bias etc), over different values of which reads can be simulated. Doing this, however, is more involved - please contact the author for further information if you wish to do this.

Adding a new quantifier

To enable piquant to run a particular quantification tool or pipeline, a new class should be added to the Python module quantifiers.py, marked with the decorator @_quantifier, and fulfilling the API requirements detailed below. Any such tool will then be automatically available to be included in quantification runs from the piquant command line.

A quantifier class has three main responsibilities:

  • It must supply commands to be written to run_quantification.sh scripts that will be executed when the scripts are run with the command line flag -p; that is, preparatory actions that must be taken prior to quantifying transcripts with this quantification tool, but that only need to be executed once for a particular set of input transcripts and genome sequences.
  • It must supply commands to be written to run_quantification.sh scripts that will be executed when the scripts are run with the command line flag -q; that is, actions that must be taken to calculate transcript abundances with this quantification tool for a particular set of simulated reads.
  • It must be able to return the abundance calculated by the quantification tool for a specified transcript.

In detail, in addition to being marked with the decorator @_quantifier, a quantifier class must implement the following methods:


get_name should return the string to be given when specifying a list of quantifiers to be used by piquant via the command-line or parameters file option --quant-method.

write_preparatory_commands(writer, params)

write_preparatory_commands writes commands to a run_quantification.sh script that should be executed prior to quantifying transcripts with the particular quantification tool, but that only need to be executed once for a particular set of input transcripts and genome sequences - for example, preparing a Bowtie index for the genome, or constructing transcript sequences.

Commands are written via the writer parameter, an instance of the BashScriptWriter class (see below), which facilitates writing to a Bash script.

params is a dictionary of key-value pairs containing items that may be of use to the quantifier during preparation or subsequent quantification:

  • TRANSCRIPT_GTF_FILE: Full path to the GTF file containing transcript definitions.
  • GENOME_FASTA_DIR: Full path to the directory containing genome sequence FASTA files.
  • QUANTIFIER_DIRECTORY: Full path to a directory quantifier_scratch, created within the piquant output directory, that quantifiers can write files to necessary for their operation which only need to be created once (for example, a Bowtie or Sailfish index).
  • NUM_THREADS: The maximum number of threads to be used by any multithreaded program that is to be executed.
  • FASTQ_READS: A boolean, True if reads have been simulated with errors (and hence quality values), and are thus written in a FASTQ file.
  • STRANDED_READS: A boolean, True if reads have been simulated as coming from a stranded protocol.
  • SIMULATED_READS: If single-end reads are being quantified, the full path to the file containing simulated reads. This key is not present in the dictionary if paired-end reads are being quantified.
  • LEFT_SIMULATED_READS: If paired-end reads are being quantified, the full path to the file containing the first read for each pair of simulated reads. This key is not present in the dictionary if single-end reads are being quantified.
  • RIGHT_SIMULATED_READS: If paired-end reads are being quantified, the full path to the file containing the second read for each pair of simulated reads. This key is not present in the dictionary if single-end reads are being quantified.
write_quantification_commands(writer, params)

write_quantification_commands writes commands to a run_quantification.sh that will be executed to calculate transcript abundances with this quantification tool for a particular set of simulated reads.

Commands are again written via the writer parameter, an instance of the BashScriptWriter class. params is a dictionary of key-value pairs containing the same items as described for write_preparatory_commands above.


Running a quantification tool may produce many files in addition to that needed to assess the tool’s performance (i.e. the file containing estimated transcript abundances), and if multiple quantification runs are performed, these may occupy significant disk space. write_cleanup allows an opportunity for commands to be writen to remove these files once quantification has been performed. As before, such commands can be written via the writer parameter, an instance of the BashScriptWriter class.


get_transcript_abundance should return the transcript abundance estimated by the quantification tool for the transcript specified by the parameter transcript_id; as this method will be called for each transcript in the input set, it should generally read transcript abundances from the output files of the quantification tool only once. Transcript abundances should be returned in units of TPM (transcripts per million). If the quantification tool does not supply abundance estimates in TPM, a transformation to these units may require to be perfomed (for example, see _Cufflinks.get_transcript_abundance(), which transforms the FPKM values output by Cufflinks into TPM).

The BashScriptWriter class

BashScriptWriter is a simple utility class to facilitate the writing of commands by quantifier classes to piquant‘s run_simulation.sh and run_quantification.sh scripts. The most common methods are:


The command specified by the parameter line_string will be written to the script at the appropriate indendation level.


To be used in a Python with statement. Commands, comments etc. added within this context will be grouped together in the Bash script, followed by a blank line.


To be used in a Python with statement. Commands, comments etc. added within this context will be grouped together within a Bash if/then/fi block. The parameter test_command specifies the condition to be tested within the if statement.


An echo statement will be written to the Bash script to print the string specified by the parameter text.


The commands specified by the function’s parameters will be joined together by pipes and written to the Bash script.


The text specified by the parameter comment will be written to the Bash script as an appropriately-formatted comment.


An exception to the use of BashScriptWriter is in the case where commands are being written that should contribute to the resource usage statistics recorded during prequantification or quantification. In this case, the methods _add_timed_{pre}quantification_<command|pipe> of the _BaseQuantifier class should be used instead.

Adding a new statistic

To add a new statistic, a class should be added to the Python module statistics.py, marked with the decorator @_statistic, and fulfilling the API requirements detailed below. Any such statistic will be automatically included in the post-quantification analysis performed by piquant: graphs will be produced showing the variation of the statistic as measured for different quantification tools as sequencing parameters and transcript classification measures change.

A statistics class must have the following attributes and methods (note that the attributes can most easily be provided by extending the class _BaseStatistic):


A short name for the statistic, to be used in filenames and CSV column headers.


A human-readable description for the statistic, to appear in graph titles and axis labels.


A boolean, True if graphs of the statistic should be plotted as part of piquant‘s analysis.

calculate(tpms, expressed_tpms)

calculate should compute the statistic for a set of transcript abundances estimated by a particular quantification tool. The parameter tpms is a pandas DataFrame describing the results of a quantification run, while expressed_tpms is a DataFrame describing those results of the quantification run for which real transcript abundances were above the threshold value indicating “presence” of the transcript.

The tpms and expressed_tpms DataFrame objects have a row for each estimated transcript abundance, and the following columns:

  • transcript: Transcript identifier as specified in the input transcripts GTF file.
  • length: Transcript length in base pairs.
  • unique-length: Length in base pairs of transcript sequence which does not overlap with the exons of any other transcript.
  • num-transcripts: Number of isoforms for this transcript’s originating gene.
  • real-tpm: Ground-truth transcript abundance used to produce the simulated RNA-seq data set, measured in transcripts per million.
  • calc-tpm: Transcript abundance estimated by the quantification tool, measured in transcripts per million.

calculate should return a single number, the computed statistic.

calculate_grouped(grouped, grp_summary, expressed_grouped, expressed_grp_summary)

calculate_grouped should compute a set of statistic values for the results of a quantification run which have been grouped according to a certain method of classifying transcripts. The parameter grouped is a pandas GroupBy instance, describing the results of a quantification run grouped by the transcript classifier; group_summary is a DataFrame containing basic summary statistics calculated for each group of transcripts. The parameters expressed_grouped and expressed_grp_summary are analogous to the first two parameters, but describe only results of the quantification run for which real transcript abundances were above the threshold value indiciated “presence” of the transcript.

calculate_grouped should return a pandas Series instance, enumerating the statistic as calculated for each transcript group. When adding a new statistic, it may be easiest to adapt one of the existing calcualate_grouped methods to your needs.


The stat_range method controls the y-axis bounds in graphs created for this statistic. The vals_range parameter is a tuple of two values, the minimum and maximum values of the statistic that will be plotted in a particular graph. stat_range should return either a tuple of two values or None.

If a tuple is returned, each value should either be a number or None. The first value will be the minimum bound of the y-axis in the graph to be drawn; a value of None indicates that no special bound is to be imposed and the y-axis minimum will be chosen automatically according to the minimum value of the statistic. Likewise, the second value controls the maximum bound of the y-axis. Returning None instead of a tuple means that both y-axis bounds will be chosen automatically.

Adding a new transcript classifier

Adding a new classifier of transcripts is perhaps simpler than adding a new quantification tool or analysis statistic; in the Python module classifiers.py, an instance of the class _Classifier should be added to the list _CLASSIFIERS. Any such classifier will automatically be included in the post-quantification analysis performed by piquant, and graphs will be produced showing the variation of statistics as measured across groups of transcripts as defined by the classifier.

Parameters to be supplied to the _Classifier constructor are as follows:

  • column_name: A short name for the classifier, to be used in filenames and CSV column headers.
  • value_extractor: A function which takes a row of a pandas DataFrame containing the results of a quantification run (as described above - such a row describes quantification for a single transcript) and returns a numeric classification value for the transcript indicated by the row.
  • grouped_stats [Optional - default: True]: A boolean. If True, the instance is a “grouped” classifier, which splits transcripts into fixed groups dependent on some property inherent in the transcripts (or their estimated abundances) themselves. If False, the instance is a “distribution” classifier, which splits transcripts into two groups, those above and below some threshold (where that threshold is generally the value of some property of quantification).
  • distribution_plot_range [Optional - default: None]: If grouped_stats is False, this parameter should either be a tuple of two numbers or None. If a tuple is supplied, these should be the minimum and maximum values of the “distribution” classifier threshold to be used in plots produced by this classifier.
  • plot_title [Optional - default: None]: A human-readable description for the classifier, to appear in graph titles and axis labels. If not supplied, the value of the column_name parameter will be used.

Note that a subclass, _LevelsClassifier, of _Classifier is supplied, which aids the construction of classifiers which group transcripts based on ranges of some parameter that takes many possible values (for example, transcript length in base pairs, or transcript abundance measured in TPM). Parameters to be supplied to the _LevelsClassifier constructor are as follows:

  • column_name: As for _Classifier.
  • value_extractor: A function which takes a row of a pandas DataFrame (as described for _Classifier above) and extracts a numeric classification value for the transcript indicated by the row. Note, however, that transcripts are classified into groups based on the particular range this values falls into, as determined by the levels and closed parameters below.
  • levels: A list of numbers defining the ranges of values (as determined by the value_extractor function) for which transcripts are considered to belong to the same group. The first group consists of all transcripts whose value is less than or equal to the first item in levels; the second group those transcripts whose value is greater than the first item in levels and less than or equal to the second item, and so on. The nature of the final group is determined by the parameter closed below.
  • closed [Optional - default: False]: A boolean. If False, the final group for the classifier consists of all transcripts whose value (as determined by the value_extractor function) is greater than or equal to the last item in levels. If True, there is no such open range: the final group consists of all transcripts whose value is greater than or equal to the last but one item in levels, and less than or equal to the last item.
  • plot_title [Optional - default: None]: As for _Classifier.